Monday, February 24, 2014

Funluvnlearnin' For All

It's been a while since I've last posted anything, reason in part due to some changes in my life this past year.
One of my goals for 2013 was to start school.  It was a goal that I wanted put out in the Universe, but hadn't really done much about in regards to SMART goals and actually making movement towards it.  Finally, around September-ish, my sister was looking into going back to school and she of course gave my information to her advisor-  because I did say that I wanted to go back to school...didn't I?  Well, long story short, I got in and started taking classes at Ashford University in November 2013; and I LOVE it!

Now, I cannot say that it is easy homeschooling, working AND going to school...but I feel absolutely wonderful!  Why?  Because I am modeling to my girls that it is NEVER too late to go after your dreams.  As long as you are living you can move forward, even if at a snails pace.  Even snails get there eventually!

Also, I feel energized!  My brain is in overdrive, but not in a bad way.  I feel open, like I can do all this and more.  I feel challenged and motivated...and well, capable.  I haven't felt like this in a long time.  I am seeing things in new light and it's kind of like that show with the cute guy that was a renowned Psychologist and Professor that had schizophrenia that could "see" patterns and things in his mind-  LOL, no, I don't have schizophrenia, but for lack of another visual to describe my feelings- it's like I can see things more clearly and how they fit together in my life.  (Ha, as I read this back to myself I wonder how many of you will think that I am crazy...but I am so overjoyed with excitement and pride that I just HAD to share this!)

In addition to all this, my girls are also being more motivated to pursue their interests and "go" after things that we are studying with more fervor.  They are asking questions about college.  They want to sit with me while I work on my course work.  They are curious and interested in not only what I'm doing but how it applies to them.  So, overall this college thing...however, a Funluvnlearnin' event for all of us.

Blessings to you all...

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Homeschooling and my Little Women

I can't even begin to express how much I love homeschooling my Little Women.  I love being with them day in and day out.  I love seeing what interests them; what sparks that light....  I love talking to them and "knowing" them...  I love the mundane things that we all hate to do...and the fun things that really get our minds reeling.

There was a time when I couldn't home school them and they went to school. I hated it.  I could feel the difficulty in staying connected.  I could see how the day to day stresses were changing their sweet hearts.  I mean, let's be honest-  a lot of what kids these days have to go through has little to do with the education part of going to school.  It's the other stuff, the peer pressure the bullying, the stress and expectations of learning things on someone else's time table and teaching styles.  Don't get me wrong!  I am NOT against schools or teachers.  As a matter of fact, I have some amazing friends that are the best teachers in this nation; but there is a lot going on in the school system that undermines the very thing that they long to do...and that is teach children to love learning in creative and inspiring ways.  Their hands are tied and there is a lot of nonsense that just isn't necessary.

Homeschooling is where my children can soar!  We can spend more time on subjects that are interesting.  We can go down those rabbit trails that our studies reveal.  We can try out their ideas and do fun experiments.  We can dress up like Vikings or Marie Antionette!  We can do all this and more...

I LOVE Funluvnlearnin'!  I LOVE it all!!